Apex, NC – Pauline Earles was having a tough time, personally, until she read a transformative article on a spiritual website that advised to be gentle with yourself.
“How true,” Earles said to no one, alone with her computer in her kitchen. “I do need to be gentle with myself.”
The website advised that we can tend to get down ourselves during times of upheaval or change, and that is precisely when we need to remember to insert said gentleness into our lives and onto ourselves. “I have been so rough with myself,” Earles said to herself, going on to ask aloud, “Why?”
Earles took a moment and reflected on how many times over the last year she had been unduly harsh with herself and counted at least twenty-seven. “My god,” she said to herself, “I should have been gentle with myself a long time ago.”
The whole experience was a big wake up call. Earles plans to be very gentle with herself for the rest of her life.