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Almond Milk CEO, Barbara Kitchen

“We’re going to be making clothing made from almonds.

Almond shirts, almond shoes, almond hats, socks, underwear.”

Many people say that most almond milk barely has any almonds in it.

Our almond milk is mostly comprised of almonds. In fact, there are little bits of almonds in the milk, so you can be sure you are getting the real deal with our milk.

Do people want little bits of almond in their almond milk?

Not as many as you’d think.

I was already thinking a low number.

It would be even less than that.

Then why are you putting little bits of almonds in the milk if it’s so undesirable?

We think people will catch on. We’re hoping. If they don’t, I’ll have to go to work for another Almond Milk company, or a Soy Milk company, or a Rice Milk company, one of those three.

I like rice milk.

Me too.

But I think almond milk is chalky and doesn’t taste good in cereal or coffee.


You can’t just go around making milk out of anything and expect it to be great.


What’s next for your company?

We’re going to be making clothing made from almonds. Almond shirts, almond shoes, almond hats, socks, underwear.



What happens if it rains? Can the almond clothing withstand getting wet?

No, you couldn’t wear it in the rain. Or if it’s windy. Or too hot. It would have to be between seventy and seventy-three degrees. And even then, I wouldn’t recommend it.

You’re not the most confident almond salesperson.

I know and I’m the most confident one there is, you should meet the others.

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